Mediator factorial model of social entrepreneurship in the covid-19 era

Cruz G. Lirios, Jorge E. C. Medina, Isabel C. R. Rodríguez


The optimization of resources as an entrepreneurship initiator has been observed as an emerging phenomenon in the pandemic, although its determinants have not been established. Design. This paper aims to establish the relationships between the determinants of resource optimization. An exploratory, cross-sectional, and correlational study was carried out with a sample of 186 students from a public university in central Mexico, considering their participation in the system of professional practices and social service. The perceived usefulness of the technology was found to be a determinant of the optimization of resources. Entrepreneurship in the health crisis depends on trust in technology. Entrepreneurship policies focused on microfinancing will move towards technology financing. 


Globalization; perception of utility and use of mobile Internet


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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.011.001.4383


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