Regulation of the Activities of Technology Transfer Institutions in the Agricultural Sector of the Economy

Nadezhda V. Ukolova, Juliya A. Shikhanova, Juliya A. Shikhanova, Lyudmila N. Pototskaya, Lyudmila N. Pototskaya, Vyacheslav G. Korostelev, Vyacheslav G. Korostelev


The importance of the administrative impact on the transfer mechanism provided through measures that differ in the level of execution and responsibility is emphasized in this study. The indicators of the export of high-tech goods in Russia, China, Japan, the USA, Germany and France are presented, as well as the share of organizations of the Russian Federation at various levels of government that carried out research and development. A conceptual model of a situation-oriented system of technology transfer methods in the agricultural sector of the economy is constructed. The methods of regulating the activities of technology transfer institutes are highlighted. The scientific foundations of the development of the formation of innovative and institutional transformations are revealed. The conclusion is made about the need for active development of the mechanism of technology transfer in modern agriculture based on regulating the activities of its institutions, accumulating information resources of various levels of government of the country. The conducted research will allow us to determine and scientifically substantiate the popular directions of effective development of technology transfer in the branches of the agro-industrial complex.


Agriculture; System of methods; Technology transfer; Institutions; Efficiency; Development economy


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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.009.00.3968


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