The Role of Social Health in the Mechanism of Managing Social Processes in the Arctic

Lidia N. Belonozhko, Alexander V. Yakovlev, Ulyana D. Bibik


The practical need for studies of the Arctic region’s social potential and identification of the mechanisms of its development determined the object and subject of the study, as well as defined the setting of the research goal. The conceptual basis of this study was formed by studies of a sociological direction, economic nature, and management theory. It is shown that the need to use systemic concepts is conditioned by the fact that the considered categories function as open systems and multilevel inclusion in the system of representatives of governing bodies, business, social communities allow for the possibility of their active actions in changing conditions. Special attention is paid to conceptual approaches to the disclosure of such a basic category as social health. The material of the study can serve as a basis for the development of an indicative model of social health in the Arctic region. The provisions and main conclusions set out in the work can be used by the expert community and state bodies when developing recommendations for the authorities when determining priority directions and forms of developing social potential in the Arctic; state and municipal authorities could address the presented research to adequately assess the factors that determine the state of social health of the region, drawing out programmes for its development.


social health; social capital; climate change; risk factors; sustainable development


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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.009.00.3958


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