Problems of integrated farming systems: a comparative analysis of Punjab state of India and Rangpur division of Bangladesh

Md. Mohiuddin Sheikh, Tejinder S. Riar, Lovleesh Garg, A. K. M. Kanak Pervez


The present study was carried out in the Punjab Province of India and the Rangpur Division of Bangladesh. This study aims to identify and analyze the problems faced by the farmers in practicing Integrated Farming Systems (IFS). The problems were analyzed by computing the Problem Facing Index (PFI) score by the farmers and the expert members.  Lack of marketing products from various IFS components had the farmers' perception of the highest PFI (285 and 52). From the expert members in Punjab part, the same problem was ranked 3rd by the farmers and expert members in Bangladesh.  Lack of coordinated extension services was ranked 1st both by the farmers (PFI, 295) and expert members (PFI, 54) in Bangladesh part which was rated 7th by the farmers (6th by the expert members) in the Punjab. The problem is the lack of IFS model demonstrations ranked 2nd by the farmers (5th ranking by expert members) in the Punjab, which had 4th ranking by the farmers and the expert members in the Bangladesh side. Besides, the high initial cost was rated 3rd by the farmers (2nd by the expert members) in Punjab study areas, which was ranked 2nd most important problems by the farmers and expert members from the Bangladesh part. Component-wise problems were also assessed and rated separately. It was suggested that developing location-specific IFS models through research activities, the establishment of agro-processing industries, coordinated extension services, proper marketing channels, and ensuring product price would support important initiatives for improving IFS.


Agricultural Extension; Comparative analysis; Integrated farming system; Problems; Punjab; Rangpur division


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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.010.01.3889


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