Perceived effect of knowledge management capacity on performance of cocoa health and extension division in Ghana

Ebenezer O. Jones, Joseph A. Kwarteng, Martin Bosompem, Enoch K. Tham-Agyekum


The study assessed community extension agents’ perceived effect of knowledge management capacity on the performance of the Cocoa Health and Extension Division (CHED) in Ghana. A descriptive correlation survey design was used. A hundred and sixty-six (166) randomly sampled Cocoa Extension Agents (CEA) from thirty (30) Districts in three (3) Cocoa regions of Ghana partook in the study. Data were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviation, correlation coefficients and ordinary least square regression. A statistically significant relationship (P<5%) was found between organizational performance and both knowledge management process and knowledge management infrastructure. The best predictors of organizational performance were knowledge management culture (36%), sex (6%), knowledge management acquisition (5%), level of education (3%) and knowledge management application (1%). The study concluded that, the overall rating of the knowledge management process, knowledge management infrastructure and leadership style were high in CHED. The study recommends CHED should boost its knowledge management technology infrastructure, develop a unique knowledge management culture, improve its knowledge management acquisition process by revamping its ICT units, intensifying on-the-job trainings, inspiring self-search and discovery, encouraging knowledge sharing and minimizing bureaucratic structures.


Community Extension Agents; Cocoa Health; Extension Division; Knowledge Management; Organizational Performance


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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.010.01.3871


Copyright (c) 2021 Enoch Kwame Tham-Agyekum, Martin Bosompem, Enoch Kwame Tham-Agyekum, Ebenezer Osei Jones, Joseph Adjei Kwarteng

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