Improving the technology of product supply chain management in the context of the development of multimodal transportation systems in the European union countries

Hanna O. Prymachenko, Olha О. Shapatina, Oksana S. Pestremenko-Skrypka, Anna V. Shevchenko, Maryna V. Halkevych


The relevance of the study is caused by the growing role of multimodal transportation in Ukraine and the European Union, ensures the optimization of the goods supply chain management to the consignee, and an important element of this development is the significant role of rail transport in the multimodal transportation, which is relevant towards minimization of costs and preserving the environment. The purpose of the article is to develop measures to improve the designing processes of the multimodal route parts for grain supply chains through the using of network systems and minimizing the total transportation cost. Taking into account the specifics of the functioning and management of multimodal transportation, an approach to the integrated assessment of the effect from the transport enterprises activities in multimodal transportation based on the building of network models of each part of the multimodal route is offered. The article presents the results of the analysis and theoretical generalization of approaches to formalizing the process of functioning the multimodal transportation systems for goods supply chains with rail and road modes of transport. The materials of the article are of practical value for vocational and industrial training of logistics operators, transport companies’ staff, and scientific and pedagogical personnel in order to improve their professional competencies.


railway transport; network approach; multimodal transportation; supply chain; agricultural transportation.


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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.010.00.3866


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