Determinants on the adoption of modern agricultural technology at farm household level: a case study in Dong Anh District, Hanoi city, Vietnam

Nguyen X. Dinh, Nguyen M. Dung


This paper aims to identify the determinants on the adoption of modern agricultural technology at farm level in Dong Anh district, Hanoi city, Vietnam. A total of 300 farm households from Dong Anh district were randomly interviewed face to face for the necessary data collection. Logit regression model was used to explore the impact of different factors on the adoption of the modern agricultural technology. Findings indicated that the farmer’ education, households’ income, farm size, access to extension services and access to credit had statistically significant and positive impacts on the adoption. Meanwhile the number of land plot reflected the negative impact on the adoption. To foster the level of adoption, this study urges stimulating land accumulation for larger farm size and reduced number of land plots. In addition, demonstration models and more training courses for the farmers emphasizing on how to apply the modern agricultural technology and credit program providing loan with preferential interest rate should be provided for the farm households in the district.


Adoption; Agricultural technology Factors; Farm households; Credit; Extension service


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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.009.02.3626


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