Gender differences in fruit production and selection of avocado and banana varieties: Case study at Wondo Genet and Wondo Woredas, Southern Ethiopia
This study was designed to assess differences in gender roles and preferences of female and male-headed fruit producers regarding the selection of avocado and banana varieties. Two woredas were selected purposively based on the availability of avocado and banana production trends in the woredas. Then, a model avocado and banana producing female and male-headed households were identified and about 34 households were selected randomly from both woredas. A structured questioner was used to collect primary information from the selected households. The collected data were analyzed by STATA 12 software. The obtained results indicated that the male household members exceedingly participated in land preparation (93%), seedling preparation (90%), transplanting (90%) and weeding (76%) whereas, female household members highly participated in fruit collection (72%), transporting fruits to the market (83%), selling the fruit (90%) and deciding on money obtained from fruit sale (83%). The increased participation of female household members indicated that the contribution of female-headed households on many farming activities. The major criteria considered in selection of avocado varieties were plant height (75%), fruit size (75%), fruit yield (84%), fruit test (97%) whereas, fruit yield (91%), fruit color (72%), fruit test (94%) and fruit smell (53%) were important criteria for banana varieties. There were no statistically significant differences (P>0.05) in avocado and banana varieties selection criteria between female and male headed households. Therefore, breeders need not develop different avocado and banana varieties for female and male-headed producers. Gender based labor division in the study areas should be taken into consideration whenever technology is demonstrated and farmers' training is given on avocado and banana production technologies to ensure their effective implementation
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.008.02.3059
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