Assessing efficiency of action aid Sierra Leone (AASL) extension services in Sierra Lione
This paper investigated the participation of the beneficiaries of agricultural extension services run by Action Aid Sierra Leone (AASL) — A British-based non-profit and non-governmental organization. The study was conducted in Wonde Chiefdom (which is in Bo District, Sierra Leone) where all the 10 rural communities with AASL extension services were targeted. Out of the total 8291 of beneficiary household in the 10 communities, 250 were randomly covered in the survey, involving both quantitative and qualitative data. The study showed that AASL uses an integrated holistic approach to community development. Most of AASL extension services rendered were on child sponsorship (90.0%), women’s rights advocacy (78.8%), gender awareness creation (69.6%) and adult literacy (67.6%) programs. Beneficiary participation was high (96.0%) in the provided services and facilities. It was concluded that AASL should involve multi-stakeholders and encourage similar partnerships in the introduction of agricultural extension services and the associated facilities in the investigated Chiefdom.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.006.02.2559
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Copyright (c) 2018 Mohamed P. Ngegba, Patrick Moriba, Joseph B. A. Kandeh, Juana P. Moiwo, Saffa B. Massaquoi

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