Contribution of exotic chicken breeds to dietary diversity of the rural households in Ethiopia
The study was conducted in midland and lowland agro-ecological zone of North western zone of Tigray, Ethiopia. Two districts were selected purposively based on their potential exotic chicken breed production. Out of the total chicken producers in the study area 264 farmers, 132 from each of the two districts were selected randomly using systematic random sampling methods. It was conducted in cross sectional survey data from 264 respondents in 2016. Its aim was to assess the contribution of producing exotic chicken to dietary diversity of the rural households with 24 hours recall method. The study examines the study area is characterized in a low dietary diversity mainly defined by starchy staples (grains, condiments, oil or fats) at the expense of protein sources (meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, eggs). The result also indicates that there is a higher probability of the exotic chicken producers groups to move from a medium dietary diversity status to a high dietary diversity status as compared with indigenous chicken producers. Based on the study result, there is possibility to improve dietary diversity and income of the households through introduction and dissemination of exotic chicken breeds to rural households. Hence, governmental and non-governmental organizations should help in intervention of exotic chicken breed to the farm households by giving different incentives.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.006.02.2448
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