Analysis of crop residues availability for animal feed in Kebbi State, Nigeria
This study analyzed the use of crop residues in animal feeding in Kebbi state, Nigeria. Data for the study was generated through the use of structured questionnaire and three points Likert rating scale and data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results of the study revealed that all (100%) the respondents were male, active and productive in ages (18-47 years) with majority having non - formal education (Qur’anic education) and common mode of land acquisition being through inheritance (70%). Findings of the study further revealed that the common crop residue utilized by the respondents was groundnut haulm (40%) and both cowpea haulm and millet stalks (20%) that were mostly (89%) sourced from their farms, stored and preserved through baling (71%). Majority (90%) of the respondents infer that large proportion of the metabolizable energy is wasted during eating and digestion of low quality crop residues. The study concluded that groundnut haulms and sorghum stalks were the common crop residues utilized for feeding animals, mostly stored and preserved locally with the use of silos and drums. The study recommends that government and the respondents should come up with modern storage and preservation methods of crop residues in order to improve its nutrient value and avoid spoilage.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.006.02.2442
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