The landscape of creation and facilitation of dairy sheep-farmers’ discussion groups in stables in Karditsa, Greece

Helena Zarokosta, Alex Koutsouris


This study explores the landscape of the formation and facilitation of dairy sheep farmers’ Discussion Groups in Stables (DGiS) in Karditsa Prefecture, Greece, revealing aspects of their specific context and needs. The study concerns an action research project employing grounded inferences and triangulation of multiple data sources to ensure validity. The data were collected during a two-year period through interviews, discussions and 17 DGiS meetings with farmers and local AKIS actors. The study indicates that the DGiS contribute to the exchange of ideas and practices among farmers, while also strengthening their interaction with the local AKIS actors. Moreover, the study highlights the necessity of basic agricultural education and reliable knowledge for improving livestock farming. Furthermore, it points out institutional shortcomings and resistance to change that hinder efficient livestock farming and AKIS actors from playing a constructive role in the creation of a learning environment, especially in view of the implementation of the European framework for cooperation.


Sheep-dairy farming, social experiential learning, networking, cooperation, Greece


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