Video Mediated Learning is currently promoted as a communication approach to disseminate agricultural information. Since it is an emerging tool, an evaluation to reveal effectiveness is crucial. Farmer Field School(FFS) is one of the most active extension methods used in Kenya and this study sought to compare and provide evidence on the effectiveness of video mediated learning. Rachuonyo Sub-County was purposively selected and a sample of 119 maize farmers selected through Systematic random sampling. Three farmer groups were established then trained on Striga weed management using video, FFS and a combination of video and FFS approaches. A survey was conducted to assess the implementation of disseminated Striga control technologies on farmers’ fields. Results indicated that a combination of Video Mediated Learning and FFS greatly influenced farmers to implement Striga control technologies at 46.2%, 42.5% for video alone and 35% for FFS. Regression analysis revealed that socio-economic factors had little influence on uptake of agricultural messages. From the results, Video Mediated Learning alone could be better than FFS. However, efforts to disseminate agricultural messages should target the use of combination of video and FFS to scale up uptake as the two approaches complement each other.
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