Saleem Ashraf, Zakaria Y. Hassan


Availability of accessible information for farmers is hot topic. Many extension personals continue to use traditional extension methods to collect data rather than adopting new approaches like social media providing opportunity for exchanging information and keeping electronic logs for future practice. Cellular apps like WhatssApp, Facebook Messenger, LINE and Viber are presented here to be the part of extension toolbox. Discussed apps hold potential to exchange information in text, audio and video form not only individually but also in groups. Information dissemination is free of cost and could be more effective through problems and solution sharing form extension agents to farmers and from farmers to farmers creating feasibility of farmer-to-farmers extension. On the basis of analysis integration and usage of cellular apps among extension personal is strongly recommended and farmers must be motivated to adopt and use these cellular app to get the solution of their problems..


Social media, cellular apps, extension.


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