This study was conducted in Uganda to determine whether socio-economic factors influence farmer participation in mixed sex coffee Integrated Pest Management group processes mobilized by the USAID funded Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research (IPM CRSP) Program in Uganda. The study used a cross sectional research design and a total 126 (71 men and 55 women) coffee IPM group members were purposively selected. A participation index was computed as a measure of level of participation in group processes. The ordered probit regression model was used to analyze determinants of level of participation in coffee IPM groups processes. Findings revealed that about 46% of the men compared to 25% women rated high on the group participation index with a significant chi-square difference (p< 0.05). Membership in economic groups, being a man, access to extension services, age, total number of household labor and participation in non-farm income generating activities significantly and positively influenced group participation. Factors that had a negative significant influence were experience of farmers in coffee production, and household size. The study concluded that research and development approaches that utilize groups should identify and address barriers to women’s participation and benefits from mixed sex group processes. The approaches should use methods suited to younger farmers and those with limited experience in coffee production, no off-farm income options and those not in groups.
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