The intent of this study was to assess the impact of National Agricultural Extension Policy (NAEP) on agricultural technology transfer aimed at increasing agricultural productivity for food security among small-scale farmers and establish reasons for the continued low agricultural food production in Siaya and Kilifi counties despite implementation of various initiatives including implementation of the National Agricultural Extension Policy and National Agricultural Sector Extension Policy. Ex-post facto survey design was used and three hundred households from the sampling frame were selected for the study using purposive and simple random sampling techniques. One interview schedule, one semi structured questionnaire, an observation schedule and one focus group discussion guides were used to collect data. Findings indicated that extension workers and small-scale farmers ability to a transfer and access agricultural technologies improved after the implementation of NAEP reforms; However, the improved farmers’ ability to access agricultural technologies failed to translate to increased agricultural production for most of the food crops and livestock and ultimately household food security. The paper recommends that more research to be carried out to establish the root cause of food insecurity at household level among small-scale farmers. Stakeholders in the field of agricultural should develop policy guidelines to ensure agricultural technologies transferred to farmers to promote agricultural produce as cash crops do not change the characteristics of the indigenous varieties to the extent that the status of household food security is compromised. Extension workers both in the government and private sector targeting the same farmer should have joint planning and ensure research that is carried out to increase agricultural production capture the interest of the farmers, and the characteristics of crop and livestock varieties that guide the breeding should be based on empirical data collected in the field to ensure the technologies that are advanced are acceptable to the farmers.
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