EScience Press

EScience Press is committed to achieving the highest quality science to drive progress in research and innovation. EScience Press is a scholarly open access publishing platform enabling the dissemination of research to the global community. The portfolio of journals spans all areas of scientific research. EScience Press is a Hybrid Open Access Publication model enabling the dissemination of research articles to the global community. EScience Press levies an article-publishing charge to cover the cost of the publication. Authors publishing with EScience Press retain the copyright to their work allowing the articles to be re-used and re-distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited. EScience Press supports the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing for most of its journals.


For over 10 years we have been helping students, researchers, scientific societies, and academic institutions to achieve their goals in an ever-changing world. By partnering with learned societies, we support researchers to communicate discoveries that make a difference.

Int. J. Phytopathol.

International Journal of Phytopathology

International Journal of Phytopathology publishes original research papers and critical reviews on all aspects of plant pathology. Brief comments and letters to the editor contributing to the previously published articles are also welcomed. Articles submitted for publication in International Journal of Phytopathology are peer reviewed by the editors who act on advice from referees.

Top quality original research articles and critical reviews from around the world cover: diseases of temperate and tropical plants caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, phytoplasmas and nematodes; physiological, biochemical, molecular, ecological, genetic and economic aspects of plant pathology; disease epidemiology and modeling; disease appraisal and crop loss assessment; and plant disease control and disease-related crop management.

International Journal of Phytopathology is jointly published by EScience Press and Center for Community Learning (CCL).

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Plant Protection

Plant Protection

The Plant Protection is a multidisciplinary international platform publishes original research and critical reviews in all aspects of modern plant protection. Papers written to a high standard according to the basic formal rules of scientific publishing cover; cover fundamental and applied aspects of plant pathology and entomology in agriculture and natural resources are accepted for publication.

The Plant Protection is aimed to publish original research, critical reviews, plant health reports, product news, information on disease and pest reports, diagnostics, management and related interface to provide a rapid turn-around time possible for reviewing and publishing, and to disseminate the articles for research, teaching and reference purposes.


Plant Protection
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Tariq Mukhtar
Country of Publication: Pakistan
Format: Print & Online
Frequency: 04
Publication Dates: April, August, December
Language: English
Scope: Plant Pathology, Entomology, Weed Science
Author Fees: Yes
Types of Journal: Academic/Scholarly Journal
Access: Subscription Needed
Indexed & Abstracted: Yes
Policy: Double blind peer-reviewed
Review Time: 04-06 weeks approximately
Contact & Submission e-mail:
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Journal of Zoo Biology

Journal of Zoo Biology

Journal of Zoo Biology is an open access peer-reviewed international interdisciplinary journal focusing on original reporting, experimental and theoretical contributions to animal sciences. Quality research articles and critical reviews from around the world cover: Biodiversity, demographics, genetics, behavior, reproduction, nutrition, diseases of animals, physiological, biochemical, and molecular, ecological, genetic and economic aspects of animals are accepted for publication.

Journal of Zoo Biology is jointly published by EScience Press and Center for Community Learning (CCL) and has no affiliation with Wiley Periodicals, Inc. publishing Zoo Biology.

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International Journal of Agricultural Extension

International Journal of Agricultural Extension

International Journal of Agricultural Extension is devoted to publishing authoritative empirical research and conceptual contribution building the theory of agriculture extension especially focusing on community development through practices of agriculture extension education. 

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International Journal of Educational Studies

International Journal of Educational Studies

International Journal of Educational Studies is open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary journal publishing original research and review articles on educational studies. Journal embraces a range of disciplines covering scientific, cultural, economic, political, organizational and social issues in education, and explores the processes and outcomes of teaching, learning, and human development at all educational levels in both formal and informal settings. Manuscripts describing the synthesize research of relevance to educational practices especially in elementary and secondary schools and covering educational policy, planning and practice, cross-disciplinary, integrating education with academic disciplines such as anthropology, demography, economics, history, law, linguistics, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology are considered for publication.

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J. Plant Breed. Genet.

Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics

Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics is an open-access, peer-reviewed, international journal devoted to providing opportunities for original as well as extended versions of published researches. Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics publishes original and review articles by internationally recognized researchers, covering all areas of plant genetics, genetics and related interface. The journal focuses on crop plants and is therefore of interest to seed companies and the plant breeding industry as well as to researchers and teachers in this field. Journal publishes original research covering all areas of theoretical and applied plant breeding and genetics. Journal is a periodical for the publication of records of original research in all branches of genetics, plant breeding and cytology, including molecular biology, biotechnology and other related sciences of sufficient importance and of such a character as to be of the primary interest to the geneticist and plant breeders.

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