Understanding the origins, impacts, and remedies for mungbean yellow mosaic virus

Rabia Tahir Bajwa, Mustansar Mubeen, Talha Shafique, Muhammad Irfan Zafar, Yasir Iftikhar, Qaiser Shakeel


Mungbean (Vigna radiata) is a crucial crop worldwide, especially in Asian countries, where it significantly contributes to agricultural yields. However, the Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV), a begomovirus, causes substantial yield reductions. Despite ongoing efforts to identify resistant cultivars, most available varieties remain susceptible, potentially resulting in yield losses of up to 100%. In Pakistan, challenges such as inadequate irrigation, disease outbreaks, and poor-quality seed stocks exacerbate the impact of MYMV on mungbean production. Whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) are the primary vectors for MYMV. Molecular characterization reveals that virus particles aggregate in the host nuclei, disrupting cell structure and leading to yield losses, with early infection stages resulting in more severe reductions. Efforts to manage MYMV include evaluating mungbean germplasm for resistance and emphasizing the importance of genetic resistance in disease control. Despite difficulties in developing resistant cultivars, ongoing research aims to reduce the impact of MYMV on mungbean production. This review explores the effect of MYMV on mungbean production, particularly in Pakistan, and examines the associated economic consequences. It also investigates the genetic susceptibility of mungbean cultivars, the influence of environmental conditions, and the dynamics of whitefly populations, which collectively contribute to MYMV incidence. The review highlights the correlation between whitefly populations and disease incidence and discusses strategies for managing MYMV and its vector. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of current approaches to develop sustainable and effective methods for mitigating MYMV-induced yield losses in mungbean cultivation.


Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus, Vigna radiata, Begomovirus, Whitefly transmission, Crop yield reduction, Disease management

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33804/pp.008.03.5148


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