The Plant Protection is a multidisciplinary international platform publishes original research and critical reviews in all aspects of modern plant protection. Papers written to a high standard according to the basic formal rules of scientific publishing cover; cover fundamental and applied aspects of plant pathology and entomology in agriculture and natural resources are accepted for publication.
The Plant Protection is aimed to publish original research, critical reviews, plant health reports, product news, information on disease and pest reports, diagnostics, management and related interface to provide a rapid turn-around time possible for reviewing and publishing, and to disseminate the articles for research, teaching and reference purposes.
Plant Protection
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Tariq Mukhtar
Country of Publication: Pakistan
Format: Print & Online
Frequency: 04
Publication Dates: April, August, December
Language: English
Scope: Plant Pathology, Entomology, Weed Science
Author Fees: Yes
Types of Journal: Academic/Scholarly Journal
Access: Subscription Needed
Indexed & Abstracted: Yes
Policy: Double blind peer-reviewed
Review Time: 04-06 weeks approximately
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