Diversity and Distribution of Hemipteran Species Associated with Crop Ecosystems in Northwest Morocco

Hanae El Harche, Dalale Mansouri, Samiha Kaioua, Guy Chavanon


Agriculture plays a crucial role in Morocco, as it not only contributes significantly to the economy but also enhances food security. Within the realm of agriculture, the order Hemiptera encompasses a diverse range of species and behaviors, some of which are notorious for wreaking havoc on crops worldwide. By gaining a deeper understanding of the bugs associated with agroecosystems, we can effectively identify both pests and beneficial species, thereby improving agricultural production. The findings of our study hold immense importance in implementing effective control measures. This paper aims to present a comprehensive checklist of bugs associated with agroecosystems in the north-west region of Morocco. Our study was conducted between the spring and summer of 2019 and 2020, encompassing three different crop fields that represent the major plant formations of the area, namely cereal, broad bean, and alfalfa fields. To ensure a thorough examination, we employed two distinct sampling techniques: mowing net and sight hunting. A total of 6 families of Hemiptera were identified: Reduviidae, Lygaeidae, Pentatomidae, Cercopidae, Scutelleridae, and Alydidae. The information presented in this paper serves as a valuable resource for future studies on Hemiptera associated with agroecosystems in Morocco. By harnessing this data, we can delve into the realm of potential control strategies and craft effective measures to tackle the challenges presented by these insects. This deeper understanding of the bugs within agroecosystems will serve as a catalyst for the development of sustainable and highly productive agricultural practices in Morocco.


Bugs; Agroecosystems; Pest; North-West; Morocco

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33804/pp.007.03.4806


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