Nasir Mehmood, Tabassum Ara Khanum


During the surveys for isolation of plant and soil nematodes from different fruit of Sindh and Balochistan, different plant and soil nematodes were found. The new species was captured from banana (Musa acuminata L.) vegetation at Malir Cantt. Karachi, Sindh. Soil sample analysis revealed that the new species of plant parasitic nematode, Pratylenchus siddiqi n. sp. It is characterized by body posture irregularly curved after fixation, lateral field with six incisures, 2 annuli in the cephalic region, stylet = 15-16 μm long, V%= 71-78, tail sub-cylindrical to conoid with smooth terminus and the absence of males. Present paper deals with detailed taxonomical studies of new species with measurements, descriptions, illustrations and microphotographs.


Nematode; Plant parasitic; Banana; Taxonomy

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