Fungi associated with root and crown rot of wheat in the Kerman province of Iran
In the growing season of 2016-17, the fungal agents associated with crown and root rot of wheat in the Kerman province of Iran were identified. For this purpose, different fields were randomly selected for sampling and percentages of disease were estimated. Infected parts of root and crown were surface sterilized and cultured on Potato Dextrose Agar medium. A total of 260 isolates were obtained and identified on the basis of macroscopic and microscopic characters and valid keys. Of the total isolates, 212 belonged to Fusarium, 28 to Bipolaris and 20 isolates belonged to Drechslera species. Fungal species included F. oxysporum (96 isolates), F. nivale (20 isolates), F. poae (18 isolates), F. anthophilum (9 isolates), F. subglutinans (22 isolates), F. solani (32 isolates), F. culmorum (11 isolate), F. proliferatum (2 isolate), F. chlamydosporum (2 isolates), B. kusanoi (11 isolates), B. australiensis (17 isolates) and D. tetrarrhene (20 isolates). The pathogenicity test was conducted using greenhouse root dip technique. The pathogenicity confirmed five Fusarium species, two Bipolaris and one Drechslera species associated with wheat root and crown rot in Kerman province of Iran. It is concluded that wheat root and crown rot is fairly distributed in the Kerman province and showed virulence of varying degrees demanding strict control measures to minimize losses.
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