Milano O. Torres, Rebecca C.N. España, Antriman V. Orleans


The study was intended to facilitate learning chemistry through the integration of graphic organizers (GOs). This study specifically determined the attitude toward chemistry and achievement of two groups of students under study. The study indicated that there is a significant difference between attitude toward chemistry of students in the experimental group before and after the experiment. The result of students’ perception about GO, as teaching strategy and approach to teaching chemistry, indicated the rationale in this undertaking. All presentations used by the teacher in the class incorporating graphic organizers in identified formats such web diagram, flowchart-concept map, Venn diagram and pictorial graphics obtained a good and very good perception. Performance, on the other hand, indicated ultimate measure of GO’s effectiveness in facilitating learning. This analysis implied that the experimental group performed significantly better than their counterparts in the control group with adjusted means scores of 47.45 and 39.11, respectively. Facilitating learning chemistry can be made through integrating graphic organizers. GO-based presentation solicited and indicated positive attitude from the students. Hence, the use of graphic organizers effect changes in behavioral dimensions of learning content for the better. GOs as conditioners can make students perform well and may seem to improve their attitude toward learning. GO is apparently indicating success as critical index of learning. It is recommended that GO be used by teachers to improve attitude and achievement of students. 


Facilitating learning, graphic organizers, visual learning, attitude toward chemistry, student performance

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