An assessment of effectiveness of participatory video and drama in enhancing learning of “climate-smart” push-pull technology: a case study of butere and vihiga farmers in western Kenya
This study assessed the effectiveness of participatory video and drama in enhancing learning of climate-smart push-pull technology in western Kenya. A total of 80 farmers who had no knowledge of push pull technology were exposed to participatory drama and video that had been developed by farmers who are adopting push pull technology. Validated questionnaires were used for data collection where sampled non push pull farmers were interviewed before and after exposure to push pull knowledge using participatory video and drama. Data obtained was analyzed using chi square at 0.05 confidence level set a priori and also presented using frequency tables, percentages, charts and averages relevant. Results show that the effectiveness of participatory video and drama in disseminating push pull content is significantly differentiated by the type or component of the push pull knowledge being disseminated. For instance, among farmers exposed to drama, 38.4% were rated as average and good in their understanding of Push Pull concepts, descriptions and definitions compared 19.2% for farmers exposed to participatory video (χ^2=15.949, p<0.05). This is completely different for push pull knowledge contents of “establishment and management of Push pull fields”, where among farmers exposed to video,46.1% were rated as good and average compared to 28.2% who were exposed to drama (χ^2=10.1921, p=<5). The study concludes that while both methods are cost effective, drama is more effective in the attraction of larger crowd ,ignition of initial interest and educating farmers on minimum basics of push pull technology .Participatory video does better in explaining deeper details of push pull knowledge where farmers need not only to hear of the technology but also to adopt it .However no single dissemination method can work perfectly alone, whereas drama can be used as an introductory in attracting the crowd and teaching the basic technological knowledge of push pull technology, this knowledge can be affirmed for purposes of actual adoption by other dissemination methodologies like participatory video.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.006.02.2454
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