Screening of Various Wheat Lines Against Puccinia Triticina and its Management through Synthetic Fungicides
Wheat is an important grain crop in the world and in Pakistan. Leaf rust is one of the detrimental disease and widespread in the world due to its distribution and higher adaptive capabilities. For screening of wheat germplasm against leaf and stripe rust, 150 varieties/lines were evaluated each entry was planted as single row and Morocco (susceptible) was included to every 10 entry in the nursery Moreover the use of fungicide on wheat crop is prohibited in Pakistan as it is being consumed as staple food, because of the widespread losses being caused by the leaf rust fungicides are being used to minimized the losses being caused by the disease so the potential of different chemicals for controlling leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina was evaluated under this study. Therefore, three foliar different fungicides/chemicals were selected for evaluation named as Mycoguard (Azoxysterobin), Score (Diaphenaconazole) and Tilt (Propioconazol), with doses of 125ml/10L, 125ml/10L and 200ml/10L respectively were tested under field conditions and T4 was kept as control these chemicals, when applied at booting and leaf emergence stages. Screening result showed, out of 150 varieties/advanced lines screened against leaf rust of wheat. 26 were moderately resistant, 28 lines showed moderately susceptible response, 51 were resistant and remaining lines were susceptible. Among above captioned fungicides Mycoguard significantly reduced the disease upto 56%. The second best treatment was score which induced reduction upto 50%. All the data was statistically analyzed. Therefore, it is suggested that Mycoguard can be effectively employed to control leaf rust disease in wheat crop.
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