Solid Matrix Priming: An Effective Technique Used for Improvement in Seed Emergence, Vigor and Seedling Growth of Vegetable Crops
Poor crop stand is one of the most common abiotic constrain faced by vegetable growers of developing countries due to production of low quality seed. Multiple factors, especially abiotic stresses and seed dormancy restrict seed germination and seedling growth. Up till now, seed priming is still considered as effective and cheapest method to enhance seed germination and to mitigate the drastic effect of abiotic stresses. Manipulation of seed hydration through solid matrix priming technique not only improves germination characteristics but also stimulates biochemical processes like restoration of metabolic activities through protein and nucleic acid synthesis (RNA and DNA), increases enzymatic activities, and improves the storage of organic substances in germinating seeds. It was also found effective in improving seedling establishment under salinity, drought, and temperature stresses by activating defence mechanisms. Therefore, this review highlights the role of solid matrix priming in improving the germination and stand establishment of vegetable crops under suboptimal conditions.
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