Morphological Characterization of Pathogenic Fungi Causing Mold on Maize Grains in Abidjan Markets (Côte d’Ivoire)
Maize (Zea mays L.), an herbaceous plant of Poaceae family, is the staple food of many people in developing countries. However, this product, as all crops, suffers from several biotic constraints during post-harvest storage. Among these constraints, molds caused by phytopathogenic fungi are the most important. The present study aimed to contribute to food security by characterizing fungal pathogens in stored maize grains. A survey was carried out in 10 communes of the Autonomous District of Abidjan, followed by sampling of maize grains stored. Samples were labelled and then taken to laboratory for analysis. Fungal isolation was carried out on PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) medium. Morphological characterization of the different fungal genera obtained was carried out after isolation. Results showed that maize grain wholesale trade is mainly held by men (72%) and that 85% of those traders are educated. Six (6) fungal genera were morphologically identified. These are Aspergillus, Fusarium, Rhizopus, Pythium, Botryodiplodia and Trichoderma. Among these fungal genera, Aspergillus was the most isolated with a rate of 60.65%, followed by Fusarium (30.28%). Aspergillus and Fusarium fungal species are toxigenic and can produce mycotoxins under the right conditions. They require special attention in order to propose effective and sustainable solutions to their control.
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DOI: 10.33687/phytopath.013.02.5112
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