Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Pakistan Journal of Biosciences is a multidisciplinary international scientific journal covering all areas of biology. Journal considers original research articles, critical reviews, product news and information and is dedicated to the exchange of information and understandings in life science research.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Pakistan Journal of Biosciencesis using online article submission, review and tracking system for quality and quick review processing. Journal provides double blind peer review process of 04-06 weeks followed by the publication of research article.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Editorial Review Board Invitation

Pakistan Journal of Biosciences invites applications for editorial review board members. Working with members of the editorial advisory board, members of the editorial review board will review submissions to the journal and ensure that the journal responds timely to submissions.
The editorial review board will consist of members willing to commit to reviewing articles three to four times each year for accuracy, clarity, and research rigour; identifying the strengths and weaknesses of submissions; providing detailed comments on reviewed submissions providing recommendations for accepting or rejecting manuscripts for publication.
Being a member of the editorial review board means being professionally associated with the Pakistan Journal of Biosciences. The names of members will be included in each issue, listed on the journal’s web page.
The composition of the editorial review board will include a wide variety of scholars consisting of early career through senior academics. Review board members possess graduate degrees and adequate expertise to provide authoritative assessments.


Editorial Policy

Pakistan Journal of Biosciences is a multidisciplinary international scientific journal covering all areas of biology. Journal considers original research articles, critical reviews, product news and information and is dedicated to the exchange of information and understandings in life science research.

The copyright of all the articles published in Pakistan Journal of Biosciences shall lie with the journal. The articles cannot be copied, transmitted, stored, and reproduced without permission. The responsibility to the contents and its authenticity rests solely with the authors and they will solely be responsible for the originality of published work.

All the articles submitted for publication in Pakistan Journal of Biosciences are peer-reviewed by reviewers. The decision of the reviewers will be final. Editors will not involve in any dispute between the author and reviewers.

The publication frequency of the journal is three. However, being an online journal, it allows for publication of articles of urgency and critical importance to the researchers. Such articles of 'Current Interest' and relevant editorials may be published more frequently as 'Supplements', on the basis of the needs felt by the editorial board or on the requests/ suggestions of the readers of Pakistan Journal of Biosciences.

Pakistan Journal of Biosciences shall not take any responsibility for the contents of articles published in the journal and all such responsibility shall lie with the author/s. The opinions expressed in the articles are solely of the author/s and Pakistan Journal of Biosciences may not agree with such opinions in part or in full.