Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

International Journal of Biological Control is a multidisciplinary international publication that gathers and disseminates fundamental knowledge in all aspects of biological control of invertebrate, vertebrate and weed pests, plant diseases and arthropod pests of human and domestic animals.

International Journal of Biological Control is aimed to publish original research, critical reviews, product news, information on biology and ecology of organisms for biological control, developments in molecular biology and biotechnology relevance to biological control and related interface to provide a rapid turn-around time possible for reviewing and publishing, and to disseminate the articles for research, teaching and reference purposes.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

International Journal of Biological Control is using online article submission, review and tracking system for quality and quick review processing. Plant Health provides double blind peer review process of 04-06 weeks followed by publication of research article.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...