Assessment of fungal diseases and their impact on yield in wheat varieties under fungicide treatment
The present study evaluated the impact of fungal diseases on the yield and traits of 20 spring wheat cultivars grown in Pakistan under fungicide-treated and untreated conditions, using a randomized complete block design. Significant differences were observed among treatments and varieties for most traits, except grains per spike. The treatment × variety interaction was significant only for 1000-grain weight. Disease severity data indicated that yellow rust, powdery mildew, spot blotch, and Karnal bunt were the most prevalent diseases in the area. Fungicide application reduced disease severity and enhanced plant height (3.18%), spike weight (2.32%), 1000-grain weight (3.09%), grains per spike (1.61%), biological yield (3.49%), and grain yield (4.75%). Among the cultivars, Wadan-17, Pirsabak-15, Zincol-16, and Shahkar-13 exhibited resistance to yellow rust. Moreover, NIFA Lalma and Shahkar-13 showed resistance to powdery mildew, while Shahkar-13 demonstrated resistance to spot blotch. However, none of the tested varieties were resistant to Karnal bunt. Shahkar-13, Khaista-17, and Zincol-16 consistently exhibited high grain yields with minimal reductions under untreated conditions: Shahkar-13 (6025 vs. 5992 kg/ha), Khaista-17 (6333 vs. 6267 kg/ha), and Zincol-16 (6075 vs. 5975 kg/ha). Correlation analysis revealed a negative association between fungal diseases and yield-related traits. Grain yield was significantly negatively correlated with yellow rust (r = -0.37), powdery mildew (r = -0.28), and Karnal bunt (r = -0.35). The findings highlight Khaista-17, Pirsabak-15, Paseena-17, and Zincol-16 as high-yielding, disease-resistant varieties. Combining fungicides with resistant cultivars offers a sustainable strategy to boost wheat production in disease-prone regions and support food security.
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