Distribution of sugarcane shield scale (Aulacaspis tegalensis) and coccinellid predators aggregation on sugarcane plants

Sudi Pramono


The sugarcane shield scale (Aulacaspis tegalensis) is a pest of sugarcane plants that is difficult to control with pesticides. One effective control method involves using predators that are synchronized with the target pest. A study was conducted to observe the distribution pattern and aggregation of coccinellid predators targeting the shield scale. The sample units were sugarcane clumps consisting of 5-7 stalks, with one representative stalk selected from each clump for observation. Samples were collected from four blocks of productive sugarcane plants, with approximately 1000 m between blocks, covering an area of about 12 h. The research identified four potential species of coccinellid predators: Scymnus sp., Chilocorus melanophthalmus, C. nigritus, and Telsimia sp. These predators exhibited a distribution pattern synchronized with the shield scale. Among the four coccinellid predators, only C. melanophthalmus showed aggregation towards the shield scale population.


Synchronized, Aulacaspis tegalensis, coccinellid predators, Chilocorus melanophthalmus

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33804/pp.009.01.5444


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