Effect of Azospirillum, Sinorhizobium, and Glomus on the growth and quality of Carica papaya L. in greenhouse

Juan Ramiro Palomino-Malpartida, Cayo García-Blásquez-Morote, Roberta Esquivel-Quispe, Jorge Luis Huamancusi-Morales, José Antonio Quispe-Tenorio, Susan Milagros Alarcón-Romaní, Teresa Anghela Rojas-Cordero, Francisco Espinoza


Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a seed-propagated crop characterized by slow germination and high plant mortality. The use of plant growth-promoting microorganisms offers an alternative approach to achieving rapid, uniform germination and reduced mortality. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of individual and combined inoculations of Sinorhizobium meliloti, Azospirillum brasilense, and Glomus iranicum on the agronomic characteristics and quality indicators of greenhouse-grown papaya plants. A 2 × 2 × 2 factorial experiment was conducted with the following treatments: S. meliloti (T1), A. brasilense (T2), S. meliloti + A. brasilense (T3), G. iranicum (T4), S. meliloti + G. iranicum (T5), A. brasilense + G. iranicum (T6), S. meliloti + A. brasilense + G. iranicum (T7), and a Control (T0). The results demonstrated that inoculation with the combined treatment of S. meliloti + A. brasilense + G. iranicum (T7), as well as G. iranicum alone (T4) and S. meliloti + G. iranicum (T5), resulted in significantly higher root weight, aerial part weight, total fresh and dry weight, enhanced growth, and a higher Dickson Quality Index. In conclusion, treatments T7 and T5 produced higher-quality plants in a shorter time, with reduced mortality, making them suitable for field transplantation. These findings provide a foundation for sustainable agriculture practices.


Papaya; Rhizobacteria; Mycorrhizal fungi; Interactions; Agronomic traits; Quality indicators

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33804/pp.009.01.5434


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