Performance of various botanical extracts against Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae) infecting lemon under field conditions
Diaphorina citri is one of the major pests of citrus worldwide, primarily because it vectors the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, the causal agent of huanglongbing. Due to the lack of scientific studies in Sindh addressing its management, the efficacy of various extracts, ethanol, methanol, and water, from ten indigenous plants was evaluated against D. citri in a lemon orchard. The plants tested included prickly chaff flower, thorn apple fruits, basil leaves, bitter apple fruits, Aloe vera leaves, siris leaves, karir, field dodder, milkweed leaves, and castor bean leaves. All plant extracts were applied at a rate of 4 Kg per acre. Three sprays were conducted during the study, with observations recorded at 24-h intervals over seven days to assess the effectiveness of the botanical extracts against D. citri. The ethanol and methanol extracts of basil, bitter apple, and milkweed were found to be the most effective, whereas field dodder and castor bean were the least effective. Water extracts of all plants were comparatively less effective than their corresponding ethanol and methanol extracts. Over time, the effectiveness of all extracts decreased. At the end of the week, the maximum corrected reductions in D. citri populations, calculated using Abbott’s formula, were 87.72%, 86.67%, and 85.66% for ethanol basil, methanol basil, and methanol bitter apple extracts, respectively. Based on these findings, it is recommended that ethanol extracts of either basil or bitter apple be incorporated into the integrated management of D. citri in citrus orchards.
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