Stem Rust: An Evolving Threat to Wheat and Strategies for Its Management

Muhammad Siddique Samon, Hadi Bux, Adnan Rasheed Memon, Sarfaraz Soomro, Abdul Rauf Jamali


Ug99, a menacing strain of stem rust, emerged as a specter haunting wheat fields worldwide. Its arrival in Uganda in 1999 sent shockwaves through the agricultural community, raising alarm bells for the vulnerability of vital wheat crops. This formidable adversary, armed with mutations that defy conventional resistance in wheat, poses a substantial threat to global food security. The super strain, the ability of Ug99 to swiftly overcome resistant varieties propelled an urgent quest for new, innovative defense strategies. Researchers and scientists mobilized in a race against time, collaborating across borders to develop resistant wheat varieties capabale of withstanding Ug99’s destructive might. The battle against this potent rust strain symbolizes a relentless pursuit to protect the world’s wheat supply, ensuring sustenance for generations to come. This review delved into Stem Rust’s past to present: history, life cycle, control measures especially marker assisted selection for controlling its pace.


Stem rust; Wheat; Evolving threat; Management strategies; Disease control.

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