Interaction Between Mycorrhizae and Organic Amendments to Improve Growth and Phosphorus Uptake in Brinjal

Zain Mushtaq, Waheed Anwar, Karamat Ali Zohaib, Adnan Akhter, Farman Ahmad


Phosphorus (P) is the second most important macronutrient both for plants and other living organisms. However, due to its fixation with soil collides; it becomes unavailable to plants and hence cannot enter the food chain. The effect of combination of mycorrhizae and different organic amendments on P uptake and plant growth of brinjal (Solanum melongena) was evaluated in a pot trial, conducted at wire house of Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Each treatment was composed of one type of organic amendment (i.e. farmyard manure (FYM), biogas slurry (BGS), poultry manure and compost) at the rate of 1.5% w/w and mycorrhizae. Results showed that the combined application of mycorrhizae and organic amendment improved plant growth and enhanced P uptake. Improved root length, shoot height and leaf canopy was observed in FYM+mycorrhizae and BGS+mycorrhizae combinations. Similarly, enhanced P uptake improved photosynthetic activity and high biomass was observed in BGS+mycorrhizae combinations. The use of mycorrhizae and organic amendments appeared to be efficient in improving P uptake up to 53.45% and plant growth 64.32%. It is concluded that practicing this in the field can be cost effective approach and reduce environmental risk by reducing application of chemical fertilizers.


Phosphorous; mycorrhizae; organic matter; brinjal

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