Hesitancy from Covid-19 Vaccination: A Study of Medical Discourses pertaining to Challenges encountered by the Pakistani Physicians

Shafaq Fayyaz, Sumra M. J. Satti


Pakistani medics faced many hesitancy issues among general public from vaccination during the upsurge of Covid-19 which remained prevalent not only in Pakistan but across the world. This paper attempts to describe the challenges encountered by the Pakistani physicians regarding anti-vaccination approach of general public based on certain superstitions. To achieve the objective, this paper plans to obtain data from various medical journals and editorials. This research is qualitative and descriptive in nature. The study is guided by the Socio-cognitive Model by Van Dijk (2008) as it confiscated the ideological connection between discourse, society and apprehension into consideration. Language is viewed as social practice from the perspective of CDA which signifies the particular interest in the course of actions through which language expresses power relations and ideologies (Fairclough, 2015). This study intends highlighting the ideological perspective of medical discourses influenced by the self-created superstitious beliefs of general public.


Hesitancy; Covid-19-Vaccination; Study; Medical discourses; Challenges; encountered; Pakistani Physician

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33687/jsas.010.02.4176


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