The Comparison of Mungbean (vigna radiata L.) Cultivars in the Presence of Various Potassium Applications

Umed Ali, Tahmina Shar, Ghulam Hussain Jatoi, Syed Mushtaq Ahmed Shah, Liaqat Shah, Irfan Ahmed, Jahansher Qambrani, Mahpara Khatoon Bhutto, Naeema Khatoon haskheli


Potassium (K) comes under a category of major plant nutrients and is essentially required for plant to complete its life cycle. It is involved in promoting the growth yield and quality of most crops. There are confusions regarding applying accurate potassium dose and investigating the performance of two mungbean cultivars under potassium applications, an experimental trial was laid down at the research area of Pulse Research Sub-Station, Tandojam to determine the performance of two mungbean (AEM-96 and C-23) cultivars in the presence of five potassium applications i.e., 00, 20, 30, 40, and 50 kg K ha-1. The outcomes from the study showed that each trait was significantly improved by increasing the applications of potassium. A significant (P≤0.05) improvement in the growth parameters (Plant height and branches per plant), yield attributes (pods per plant, seeds per pod, seed weight per plant and 1000-seed weight) and yield traits (seed yield and biological yield) was observed in both cultivars under the application of 50 kg K ha-1.  While both cultivars showed similar lower performance in accordance with control (00 kg K ha-1) plots. From cultivars, AEM-96 produced best results as compared to C-23 for each trait on each potassium level. In this regard, mungbean cultivar AEM-96 with 50 kg K ha-1 was recommended for cultivation to obtain good growth and yield performance.


Mungbean; Potassium applications; Cultivars; Growth; Yield

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