Mukhtar A. Wani, Aejaz Masih


In several methodological steps, the present study examined the level of need-achievement, perception of students towards their school and most importantly the effect of perceived schools physical & psycho-social environment on the need-achievement on a sample of 180 higher secondary school students. Results reported that 34% higher secondary school students are having high level of achievement motivation, 44% are having average level of achievement motivation and 22% of adolescents are having low level of achievement motivation Sample participants also perceive the environment provided in terms of physical and psycho-social in their school as average. Among the predictors H, i.e., Student Teacher Interaction (r = .393), D, i.e., Acceptance (r = .330) and B, i.e. Cognitive Encouragement (r = .291) were found to be significant predictors, whereas Rejection (E) as a dimension of school environment was found to be inversely a significant predictor (r = -.164) that influence the criterion variable. Paper concluded that to develop the strong desire for excellence among our children school staff should provide a better psycho-social environment to students.


Achievement; Motivation; School Ecology (Creative Stimulation; Cognitive Encouragement; Permissiveness; Acceptance; Rejection; Control; Physical aspects of the School and Student Teacher Interaction).

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