The maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais is a major pest of stored grain whose control has been performed with the use of synthetic insecticides, which in many cases are being banned due to issues involving risks to human and animal health and to the environment. In order to avoid the use of these insecticides, alternative control has been sought, including the use of plant extracts. In this study, “poejo”, Cunila angustifolia leaves extracts and essential oils have been used against S. zeamais. The results of the bioassay for the control of S. zeamais showed statistical significance (P <0.05) for all sources of variation. The essential oil reached 100% efficiency at all different concentrations, the hexane extract at 0.32% showed 38.70% efficiency, while the aqueous and crude extracts showed no insecticidal effect on adults of S. zeamais. The highest mortality rate was found after 96 h of application of the extracts.
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