The population density of pentatomid bugs was worked out in major vegetable growing belts of Kashmir valley during the cropping season of 2013-14. For the study of population densities field observations of two common species of Pentatomid bugs were carried out. The species namely Eurydema pulchrum and Dolycoris indicus were found in highest numbers from two selected districts of Kashmir Viz., Srinagar and Budgam. The number of individuals of specified species collected in different seasons, months and weeks at a site in district Srinagar (Batapora) indicate that the highest population density of the species was in the summer season while it was very low in spring and autumn season. Flight activity of the pentatomid pests varies with species, seasons and the site. The maximum flight activity was observed in early summer and in late summer. The flight activity continued until November depending upon the temperature nonetheless during this month, flights were usually of very low incidence. The flight activity of plant bugs stopped altogether during winter months in Kashmir valley. Based on these studies, the agricultural crops could be saved from bug attack by timely intervention and application of suitable management tactics to reduce their populations below economic injury level.
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