Microsatellite Co-dominant Marker Xstm773-2 for the Detection of Sr36 Gene in Pakistani Wheat Landraces
Stem rust, induced by Puccinia graminis f.sp. Tritici Eriks. and E. Henn., stands as a predominant affliction in global wheat cultivation. The emergence of novel races within P. graminis f. sp. Tritici, notably Ug99, poses a substantial threat due to its virulent impact on resistant especially on Sr31 gene. This perilous variant, originating from Uganda, menaces wheat cultivation worldwide due to the vulnerability of germplasm to its influence. Approximately 90% of global wheat cultivars exhibit susceptibility to Ug99 and its derivatives, alongside indigenous stem rust races, intensifying the risk to wheat (Triticum aestivum) production in Pakistan. This study aimed to evaluate 86 Pakistani wheat landraces by co-dominant micro satellite PCR marker Xstm 773-2 for their potential possession of the stem rust resistant Sr36 gene. The results showed that co-dominant marker xstm773-2 tagged the presence of gene Sr36 in 36% landraces holds promise for future breeding activities, potentially adding it with modern cultivars through marker assisted selection.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33687/planthealth.03.01.5152
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