Ambar Khalid, Saba Khalid


This study is proposed to find out the relationship between Organizational Commitment (OC), Career Satisfaction (CS) and Employee Engagement (EE). The purpose of the study was to create awareness in employees about Career Satisfaction and Employee Engagement by analyzing that how it is positively related to Organization Commitment. Hypothesis were developed and tested on a sample size of 124 in University of Gujrat, Hafiz Hayat Campus. A valid and reliable Questionnaire was used as data collection tool. Results indicated that there exists a positive significant relationship between OC, CS and EE but Organizational Commitment was more closely related to Employee Engagement whereas Career Satisfaction was found to be significant but not in close relationship with OC. It was observed that employees are more engaged and satisfied with their careers when provided with learning opportunities and in turn their commitment level with the organization increases.  


Organizational Commitment, Employee Engagement, Career Satisfaction, Career Development, Career Management

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