Opportunities and Challenges for Official Statistics in Digital Bangladesh

Md. Musa Khan


Governments, businesses, and the public, in general, are expected to receive information from national systems of official statistics regarding the economic, demographic, social, and environmental situation. Therefore, digitizing data collection for government statistics could have a significant social impact. Slowly but surely, government administrative data is being used more. There is scant evidence, but significant data access through satellites, point-of-sale systems, and social networks is now being researched and tested. New needs for official statistics and pressures on traditional data collection from households and companies drove these projects. New requirements for official statistics have brought about these requirements and demands. The efficient use of new data sources by the government can lay the most important evidential foundation for policies that are intended to enhance people's lives, and data that has been anonymized is also being made available to other researchers. The study aims to explore the opportunities and challenges for official statistics in digital Bangladesh and identify the potential benefits and drawbacks of using digital technologies and data sources for official statistics. By understanding these opportunities and challenges, policymakers, statisticians, and other stakeholders can develop strategies and solutions that address the challenges and leverage the opportunities to improve official statistics' quality, timeliness, and relevance. Additionally, the objective is to highlight the importance of investing in capacity building, data governance frameworks, and technology and infrastructure to promote the development of official statistics in digital Bangladesh.


Digital Bangladesh; official statistics; big data; administrative data; challenge; vision 2021.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33687/jsas.011.01.4580


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