The study was conducted to estimate genetic variation, GCA and SCA in Brassica napus genotypes {Star, Golarchi, Hybripol, UAF 2, BA 0714 (lines) and Range, DGL, Ayub2000 (testers)} for seed yield and yield components. These genotypes were crossed in 5×3 line×tester crossing fashon (2010-2011). Data of F1 and their parents were recorded (2011-2012) for days taken to maturity, plant height, secondary branches/plant, number of siliqua/plant, number of seeds/siliqua, 1000-seed weight, seed yield/plant, protein and oil content. The results of analysis of variance showed significant differences in different parents for all the traits. Analysis of variance for combining ability for different traits showed that mean sum of squares due to lines were significant for all the traits except 1000-seed weight and protein content whereas for testers, the mean sum of squares were non-significant for seed yield/plant. Highly significant results were found in line×tester interaction for all above mentioned traits. The estimates of SCA variance was noticed higher than GCA variance in all traits. The contributions of lines as compared to testers were greater for all traits except 1000-seed weight and protein content.
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Copyright (c) 2013 Shehzad A. Kang, Frasat Saeed, Muhammad Riaz

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Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics
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