Genetic Diversity Studies in Durum Wheat (Triticum durum L.) Accessions
Genetic diversity among durum wheat tetraploid species has a premium to understand the diversity within the genotypes. This study’s major objective was to learn more about the diversity and relationships between various durum genotypes. The experiment was design randomized complete block design with three replications. In this study, a total of eight durum advance lines, namely DW-1, DW-2, DW-3, DW-4, DW-5, DW-6, DW-7, and DW-8, were included with one Durum check wheat Miki3 and spring wheat Khirman to investigate the interrelationship and genetic diversity of quantitative traits and they ‘reaming these traits. For nearly all of the features, the analysis of variance revealed considerable variations among the durum advance lines, as evidenced by the significant mean squares at a probability level of P≤0.01. The mean performance results indicated variations in genotype performance DW8 exhibited maximum days to heading, tallest plant height (cm), and shortest peduncle length was measured in durum wheat. DW6 attained shorter plant height was recorded as compared to both check varieties. A notable variation was detected among the genotypes concerning the trait "number of tillers per m2". The genotype with the highest number of tillers appeared to be spring wheat and the minimum number of tillers was recorded in DW4, respectively. Significantly maximum number of spikelet’s, per spike-1,biological yield plant-1 and protein content % were observed in DW3, amount of grains spike-1 were significant in DW6, main spike yield per plant (g) was recorded in DW3. Whereas minimum grains spike-1and minimum spike yield was observed in DW9, respectively. Grain yield plot-1 (2.3333 kg) was observed significantly higher in DW6 and minimum Grain yield plot-1 (1.6667 kg) in DW10 was observed. Regards correlation, Grain yield plant-1 revealed there was a positive and significant correlation with respect to the trait "days to75% headline, days to 75% maturity, grains Spike-1, main spike yield-1 and 1000-Grain Weight (g) (r=0.500**, r=0.679**, r=0.316*, r=0.316*, r=0.533** and r=0.308*). Using UPGMA, two members of cluster 1 and cluster 2 were found to have closer relationship with different durum genotypes. However, miki 3 had closer relation with DW-8. The largest positive PCA loadings were observed in grains yield plant-1 and 1000 grains weight for the second, third, fourth and fifth PCA group. Hence, DW-8 was nearer relation with miki3, and DW-3, DW-10 and DW-6 considered the best genotypes according to performance.
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Journal of Arable Crops and Marketing
ISSN: 2709-8109 (Online), 2709-8095 (Print)
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