Bioefficacy of different insecticides on cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora Koch)
Aphid (Aphis craccivora Koch) is one of the serious pests of cowpea. Bioefficacy of four insecticides with different concentrations namely Jholmol (125 ml/L), Neemix (2 ml/L), Cannabis extract (100 g/L), Chlorpyrifos 50% EC and Cypermethrin 5% EC (2 ml/L) along with control were evaluated against aphid at Research Station of Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal in 2018. Five treatments; four different insecticides and control were laid out in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The results indicated that all the insecticides were significant for aphid reduction. The effects were higher in Neemix followed by Jholmol and cannabis extract. The yield of cowpea was significantly highest (11.10 t/ha) with Neemix application, while lowest in control (7.58 t/ha). The highest net profit (NRs.61670) was obtained in Neemix followed by treatments of Jholmol (NRs.46175) and Cannabis extract (NRs.35815). The lowest incremental Cost/Benefit ratio was obtained in Neemix (1.341) and followed by treatments of, jholmol (1/1.12) and Cannabis extract (1/0.85), respectively. Thus, application of Neemix @ 2 ml/L could be used in cowpea to control aphid with high yield.
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