Influence of Feeding with different Plant Pollens on Prey- Stage Preference and Predation Rate of Neoseiulus Californicus (Mcgregor) (Acari: Phytoseiidae)
Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is an effective predator in greenhouses which feeds on plant injurious mites. Searching capacity is one of importance in the effectiveness of this predatory mite. In this research, the population fed with corn pollen, walnut and date pollen and the spider mite (four strains) were investigated. The prey-stage preference of N. californicus was studied on different developmental stages of Tetranychus urticae. The predation rate of rearing population of N. californicus was determined; it was used eggs of T. urticae. Experiments were carried out on strawberry disc in Petri dish (6 cm diameter) under laboratory conditions (27±1ºC temperature, 70±5% RH and 16L: 8D photoperiod). After 24 hours, the total numbers of prey consumed were counted. The predatory mites reared on different pollens prefer eggs or nymphs to adults and the Preference Index of different strains was not different. Result of consumed of spider mites by female predatory mites indicated the predation rate of the predatory mites fed with corn pollen (9±1.46), walnut pollen (8.19±0.99) and Date pollen (8.28±0.80) did not any significant difference, however when spider mites and the mentioned pollens were used, the predation rate of predatory mites when fed with T. urticae (14.74±0.94), Walnut (15.24±1.05) and date pollen (14.17±1.04) show significant difference with the population of corn pollen (10.0±0.95). The predation rate of four strains decreased at present of plant pollens. Use of the predatory mite fed with the different developmental stage of two-spotted spider mite and pollen in the biological control of the pests is useful.
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